Our statement on COVID-19

These are challenging times and a stark reminder that we live in a world of unknown unknowns. It is more important than ever that we continue to equip our children to respond to a volatile and rapidly-changing world. They need the skills to continually seek and process new information. Then be able to reflect on it, and act responsibly.

STiR’s work with governments in India and Uganda has been temporarily suspended owing to school closures and lockdowns. But we are assessing effective strategies to continue building the foundations of lifelong learning within these education systems.

While we configure creative ways to move forward, we see this as an opportunity to build on our work so far. Internally, teams are running webinars, brainstorming sessions and promoting cross-functional and cross-location learning. In the field, our Delhi team is working out plans to virtually deliver a session to the state’s Mentor Teachers. While our Uganda team is planning sessions on coaching and feedback training to district officials via group calls. We’re also encouraged by the efforts from officials in each of our states to maintain this positive momentum. For example, our Delhi team shared a story of Teacher Development Coordinators leading network meetings remotely this week.

All of our team members across all office locations are at home, but are connected digitally and continuing to work as best as they can. We are monitoring the situation closely and following government advice.

We’re grateful to our partners and supporters for standing together. And we’re thinking of you, as well as all of our teachers and officials, during these unprecedented times. We wish you all well – stay safe and stay home.