Reflections from Kota Kediri Bootcamp 

STiR Education has been working in Kota Kediri since 2022. During that time we have closely with YBPU and the Education Agency to reach 1463 teachers and 26155 children in the district.

The programme in Kota Kediri has entered its fifth Learning Improvement Cycle (LIC)  which took place in January. Over time, the LIC has evolved through different versions, incorporating new insights, strategies, and feedback from educators and stakeholders. Each cycle builds on the previous one, refining approaches to enhance teaching and learning outcomes. This continuous process of adaptation ensures that the programme remains relevant, effective, and responsive to the needs of schools, fostering a culture of reflection, collaboration, and sustained improvement.

During the opening of the bootcamp, Ibu Lusi, the Head of Education Training and Personnel at the Education Agency of Kota Kediri, stated that going forward, the programme  should continue under the name Program Pembelajar Sepanjang Hayat and be applied to all levels of activities. She emphasized the importance of sustaining the good work achieved over the past two years in collaboration with YBPU/STIR. After attending the post-bootcamp session, she reflected on the discussions, stating:

“The bootcamp discussions among the Kota Kediri team (supervisors, co-design team, and district champion) with the STIR team were open, with no fear in expressing ideas, thoughts, or even asking critical questions. This kind of culture is something we need to continue and maintain within the system.”

Ibu Tutik Mardianti, a School Supervisor and member of the Co-design team in Kota Kediri, shared her personal reflection on the culture of sharing and feedback, which has been at the core of the bootcamp activities. She recounted how, at first, she was hesitant to share her thoughts in small or large forums and was reluctant to give feedback to school principals during her visits. However, throughout the programme 5, she has gained confidence in sharing her thoughts in discussions and providing feedback to the schools she supervises. This was also validated by one of her school principals, Bapak Bustanul Arifin, S., who attended the bootcamp as part of the Co-design team.

During the whole-class feedback session, supervisors and the Co-design team demonstrated their ability to reflect on the material using real-world examples from their experiences. They shared diverse perspectives and engaged in peer feedback. Ibu Muji confirmed how beneficial this process has been—not only for herself but also for her peers. She observed a visible shift in mindsets, evident in how supervisors’ behavior has changed throughout the program. The two-day session reinforced their understanding of how feedback should be applied and how it varies in different contexts, making it an integral part of their learning process.

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