STiR announces new partnership with United Way of Hyderabad

STiR Education is delighted to announce a new partnership with United Way of Hyderabad, a volunteer-led non-profit organisation based in Hyderabad. Their funding will support STiR’s work in both Delhi and Karnataka as we continue to support the education systems in both states to rebound from Covid-19.

Rekha Srinivasan, CEO of United Way of Hyderabad, said: “United Way of Hyderabad cherishes its new partner STiR in its endeavour towards providing quality education to the needy.  We are brought together by a similar commitment, aligned vision and passion. We look forward to a wonderful learning journey.”

STiR CEO Girish Menon said: “We’re hugely excited to welcome United Way of Hyderabad as a new partner for two of our projects in India. Their support will enable us to continue to strengthen our work in both Delhi and Karnataka at a critical time for these education systems. We look forward to working closely with the UWH team as we aim to realise the true sustainability of our projects, so that all teachers love teaching and children love learning.”

You can see all of STiR’s partners featured on our website here.