STiR’s Founder and CEO Sharath Jeevan represented the organisation at two major events last month. First, he joined the latest meeting of the Education Commission’s High-Level Steering Group on Workforce Issues, of which he is a member. The meeting took place in Accra, Ghana from 20-21 March, and Sharath made some very positive contributions to the upcoming report.

Sharath then travelled to Dubai to attend the Global Education & Skills Forum from 22-23 March. He spoke on two panels, the first of which was alongside colleagues from the Education Commission on the topic: ‘The education workforce needs to change.’ He then joined a second panel on the topic: ‘Teachers as learners: effective models for continuous professional development.’

These events provided an excellent opportunity to share our work on intrinsic motivation with many of our partners and key stakeholders in the sector. Sharath created a video blog to share his highlights from the week, which you can view below: