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Tag Archives for Jo Owen

How does STiR work with governments to scale and sustain?

How does STiR work with governments to scale and sustain?

Scaling and sustainability are core to our organisational strategy. It is key that we identify ways in which our work can be successfully embedded into the systems in which we work. This document summarises how…
Motivating your team means letting go

Motivating your team means letting go

This was originally written by Jo Owen for the Financial Times.  For the past eight years, STiR Education, of which I am a co-founder, has been putting in place the conditions to help millions of…
STiR featured on The Do One Better Podcast

STiR featured on The Do One Better Podcast

Our Chair Jo Owen and CEO Girish Menon are pleased to be featured on the latest episode of The Do One Better Podcast, a weekly podcast focused on philanthropy, sustainability and social entrepreneurship. Hosted by…