Transforming teaching in Katakwi district

Akello Martha Cathy is a dedicated teacher and Centre Coordinating Tutor (CCT) at Soroti Core Primary Teachers’ College (PTC), based at Ngariam Coordinating Centre in eastern Uganda. Her story shows how STiR Education has helped her to make a big difference in classrooms and the wider community.

Martha began working with STiR in 2021 as a Centre Coordinating Tutor in Serere district. In this role, Martha supports and trains teachers and school principals across her district. In 2023, she moved to the rural district of Katakwi, where resources and opportunities for education are often limited. In Katakwi, classrooms used to rely on traditional teaching methods that focused on memorising information, stifling creativity and engagement among learners. Teachers didn’t have the training or tools to adapt to new educational needs. As well as this, communities didn’t fully support schools and children. They saw education as the responsibility for schools alone. This made it tough to work together for students’ overall development.

When STiR started working in Katakwi district, many people were sceptical about the new ideas shared through the training sessions. But Martha saw value in STiR’s methods. She believed that they could change how classrooms and communities worked together. She taught teachers to use more student-centred approaches, giving students the chance to explore and learn actively. She also organised workshops for parents in her catchment centres, teaching them about having a growth mindset and better supporting their children’s education. This approach helped schools and families work together, improving teaching practices and giving students more support.

Martha emerged as a beacon of change in Katakwi district. She encouraged schools and officials to spread her new teaching practices in the local community. She was supported by her local education office to share her knowledge at a district education meeting, which led to more schools adopting the practices too.

The District Inspector of Schools said: “Bringing Martha to Katakwi district has been a great blessing. Her dedication and collaborative spirit have ignited a transformative wave in our district, bridging communities and schools for the betterment of education.”

Martha says: “STiR has helped me to critically reflect on my practices and take action accordingly. I am now able to take control of my development and empowerment to improve my mentorship role.”

Martha’s story shows how working together can make education better for everyone. When schools and communities join forces, they create a place where teaching is valued, and learning includes everyone.