Breaking the cycle: empowering students through growth mindset

Photo of teacher EdwinEdwin is a Mathematics and Physics teacher and a Director of Studies (DOS) at Bufunjo Seed Secondary School in Kyenjojo District, Rwenzori sub region in Uganda. His school, like many others, had normalised underperformance in science subjects. From internal assessments to national exams, failure seemed an inevitable companion, with both students and teachers believing that excellence in science subjects was impossible.

But in 2023, hope emerged in the form of STiR’s Teacher Changemaker Development Programme. Edwin and his fellow teachers joined the programme and embarked on a journey of transformation. As part of the programme, they were introduced to the concept of ‘growth mindset’. They learned to nurture the belief that intelligence could be cultivated by challenging themselves and their students to master hard concepts. They discovered that effort could be a pathway to mastery by learning from criticism and drawing inspiration from the successes of others. Armed with this newfound perspective, they embraced challenges, persisted through obstacles, and encouraged their students to do the same.

With continued effort and persistence, Edwin and his colleagues began to witness a shift. Teachers began to improve and appreciate their practice, and observed changes in students’ understanding of concepts. Edwin says: “During network meetings, we emphasised how teachers could help learners to see that they were capable of passing science subjects if they invested time and effort. As teachers, we became even more dedicated than ever to see change in our classrooms.”

Through this renewed commitment to excellence, they instilled confidence in their students, showing them that success in science was within their reach. Counselling sessions were introduced to help students to stay calm. Teachers also used active participation techniques like ‘turn and talk’ to ensure that every student had a chance to participate during lessons. As a result, students grasped concepts more readily, performances improved, and a sense of possibility permeated the classrooms.

The fruits of their labour were evident in the 2023 Uganda Certificate of Education (UCE) results. Bufunjo Seed Secondary School, once blighted by poor performance, saw a remarkable turnaround. With one credit each in mathematics and physics, and breakthroughs in agriculture, chemistry and biology, a new chapter had begun.

Edwin and his team know their journey is far from over. They remain steadfast in their commitment to the STiR programme, eager to cultivate a culture of continuous learning and improvement in the years to come. United in their pursuit of excellence, they press onward, hopeful for a future where every student can unlock their full potential.