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Tag Archives for Intrinsic Motivation

Growing, Learning and Co-Design in Lumajang

Growing, Learning and Co-Design in Lumajang

By Lira Fajarwati, primary school teacher Lumajang district  ” I believe that being a teacher means committing to lifelong learning. As the world grows more complex, adapting our teaching methods becomes crucial. From my experience,…
Empowering Education in Uganda

Empowering Education in Uganda

STiR Education signs 5 year MOU to strengthen the education system of Uganda The Ministry of Education and Sports has renewed its Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with STiR Education for a further five years. This…
Embracing technology in East Java

Embracing technology in East Java

By Pak Supriyanto, teacher (Grade 4), SDN Bandar Kidul 2, Mojoroto, Kediri City district Innovation in learning is critical in this era of constantly evolving educational technology. Additionally, the selection of instructional methods has a…
Transforming teaching in Katakwi district

Transforming teaching in Katakwi district

Akello Martha Cathy is a dedicated teacher and Centre Coordinating Tutor (CCT) at Soroti Core Primary Teachers’ College (PTC), based at Ngariam Coordinating Centre in eastern Uganda. Her story shows how STiR Education has helped…
Malaka district joins our Indonesia programme

Malaka district joins our Indonesia programme

Jakarta, 21 May 2024 – a new memorandum of understanding (MOU) has been signed to expand our work in Indonesia into a fifth district. Bakti Barito Foundation, through Yayasan Bakti Pendidikan Unggul (YBPU), has formally…
Breaking the cycle: empowering students through growth mindset

Breaking the cycle: empowering students through growth mindset

Edwin is a Mathematics and Physics teacher and a Director of Studies (DOS) at Bufunjo Seed Secondary School in Kyenjojo District, Rwenzori sub region in Uganda. His school, like many others, had normalised underperformance in…
What is STiR’S impact?

What is STiR’S impact?

  Purpose This document summarises STiR’s impact over the past decade It starts by offering a brief summary of our learning, before breaking down our impact at different levels (children, teachers, officials, system) with the…
How does STiR work with governments to scale and sustain?

How does STiR work with governments to scale and sustain?

Scaling and sustainability are core to our organisational strategy. It is key that we identify ways in which our work can be successfully embedded into the systems in which we work. This document summarises how…
Motivating your team means letting go

Motivating your team means letting go

This was originally written by Jo Owen for the Financial Times.  For the past eight years, STiR Education, of which I am a co-founder, has been putting in place the conditions to help millions of…
Inspiring story of Pak Huda

Inspiring story of Pak Huda

“Being aware of intrinsic motivation is a stepping stone to creating a safe and fun learning environment in school”, Pak Huda, SDN Blabak 2, Kediri City Pak Huda is the principal of SDN Blabak 2…